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One is given a life. For me, the chronicling of that life is best done through the verse that expresses. Challenges, triumphs , and observations of the absurd, the joyful, and things problematic and sublime- this poetry saves my life just as it reaffirms it. Thank you for allowing me to share some bits of self.


My life has been a series of blessings. I have not always seen it that way...challenges and the things that happened along the way  seemed daunting or insurmountable. The paths before me were sometimes chosen in haste, and the decisions I made along the way were often poor. It is incredibly frightening to watch yourself moving in directions from which there seem to be no safe return, and it is infuriating to be the agent of your own self-destruction. I reached the point where one dies from living one way or lives by finding a new way. When the anger left and the gratitude filled in the empty spaces where it had long lived, words began to come. 



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